Lake Norcentra Park
Lake Norcentra Park
Welcome to Lake Norcentra Park
Located on the campus of Rochester Christian University, Lake Norcentra Park is a peaceful setting of towering trees, scenic bluffs, a small lake, and a pond. A favorite spot for the campus community since the university opened in 1959, the park and adjoining estate house were formerly owned by Detroit advertising executive Lou Maxon. The park’s natural beauty and intriguing history make it a memorable place for the campus community and visitors alike.
A Gem on the Clinton River Trail
Most people in the Rochester region did not know about Lake Norcentra Park until the Clinton River Trail opened in 2005. During warm weather, hundreds of bicyclists, runners, and walkers pass by the park every day on the popular trail. In recent years, the university has opened the park to the community and visitors from the Clinton River Trail. Come and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Lake Norcentra Park!
Volunteer Opportunities
Individual and Group Opportunities
Volunteers play an integral role in Lake Norcentra Park improvement efforts. Both individuals and groups are encouraged to assist with such special projects as:
- Trimming Trees and Bushes
- Painting Park Furniture and Park Buildings
- Landscaping
- Park Cleanup
- Small Carpentry Projects
Volunteer Sign Up
If you are interested in arranging volunteer services either for yourself or a group, please submit the online volunteer form here.
Donation Opportunities
Park Improvement Fund
Your gifts to Lake Norcentra Park provide funding for continued park improvements. Your gifts are tax deductible and make it possible for others to enjoy an even better environment in Lake Norcentra Park. Please consider providing support for the park improvement fund.
Make a Park Improvement Fund donation here.
Benches and Picnic Tables
You may purchase picnic tables and/or benches for Lake Norcentra Park that include a plaque on each item. This is a great way to honor relatives, classmates, or other individuals who have influenced your life. The tables and benches are made of durable polywood. While this material is considerably more expensive than wood, it does not require painting and is well suited for long-term use. Picnic tables and benches may be purchased for $1,400 each by accessing the link below. Be sure to specify in the comment section under tribute gift which item(s) you are funding. If the gift is being made in memory or honor of someone, specify the name(s) as well.
Make a donation for a bench and/or picnic table here.
Tours & Information
Park Tours
Lake Norcentra Park hosts strolling tours. Park coordinator Larry Stewart will guide you on a leisurely stroll around the lake, telling the story of Lake Norcentra Park. You will have an opportunity to ask questions. To schedule a tour, contact Larry Stewart at larry.stewart@rcu.edu or 248-218-2023.
Information and Reservations
For general park information, contact park coordinator Larry Stewart at larry.stewart@rcu.edu or 248-218-2023. For information about scheduling an event, contact events coordinator Rachel Arbaugh at rachel.arbaugh@rcu.edu or 248-218-2046.