Student life

Warriors Serve

About Warriors Serve

A one-day opportunity for RCU students, alumni, faculty and staff to be a part of a voluntary community engagement and service-learning project. The project will serve people and agencies from a diverse background and/or improve the sustainability of the environment.

Our non-profit partners include (but are not limited to):

  • Crossroads for Youth
  • Dutton Farm
  • Faith Works
  • Hope House Detroit
  • Humble Design
  • Leader Dog for the Blind
  • Micah 6
  • Neighborhood House
  • Pontiac Community Foundation
  • Chief Financial Credit Union

Micah 6

Mission: Pontiac is a comeback city, writing the story of its recovery. We are doing our part by growing healthy food, making sure neighbors are known, kids are resourced, and services are accessible. Micah 6’s Webster Community Center

Project: RCU will be investing our time and work at and near the Webster Community Center. Webster Elementary School was built in 1920 and shuttered in 2008. Using the existing structure, Micah 6 Community is renovating the building to become a mixed-use community center featuring a collection of local nonprofit organizations, small businesses and community minded organizations – including Rochester Christian University – who, together, seek to build a brighter future for the Pontiac community.

Karios Farm

Our dream is that through “Kairos Farm” we can continue to create opportunities for people to discover their unique identity and giftedness, and then empower them to make a positive investment in the world. “Kairos”, one of the 2 Greek words for time, is a “special moment in time”. A time pregnant with possibility. We believe that God is continually reaching out to us in “Kairos” moments of all kinds. We want to help people recognize these moments and respond in fruitful and fulfilling ways!

KIBO Corner

Kibo Corner is Rochester Christian University’s coffee shop. This nonprofit coffee shop supports the work of Kibo Group in Uganda. Change lives by drinking coffee.