
Transfer Student

Transfer Course Policy Amendment

In response to the disruption caused by COVID-19 for prospective transfer students, Rochester Christian University has amended our policy for accepting transfer course credits. Transferable courses taken during the Winter/Spring/Fall 2020 term at another institution will transfer to RCU with a D- grade or higher or marked as Pass, Credit, Satisfactory or other similar non-GPA bearing grade marking. Minimum grades for program eligibility must still be met.

$2,000 Transfer Scholarship

Students that transfer in 16 or more college credit hours, under the Transfer Student Guidelines, and a 2.25 GPA minimum are eligible for a $2,000 Transfer Scholarship. This scholarship is able to be stacked with other Transfer Academic Awards and is only eligible for students pursuing a traditional undergraduate degree.

Admission Qualifications and How to Apply

Rochester Christian University is interested in students who desire to excel academically, grow spiritually, develop socially, and contribute to a positive campus atmosphere. Admission to Rochester Christian University for students wishing to transfer 16 or more college credit hours to RCU is subject to the Transfer Student guidelines.

A 2.25 CGPA is required along with the submission of the following documents for admissions consideration:

  • Completed Application for Admission
  • Official College Transcript(s)
  • Official ACT or SAT Scores (if transferring less than 15 college credits)

A notification of an acceptance decision should be received within two weeks of all required information being submitted to the admissions office.

Course Transfer Criteria

  • Obtained by an accredited institution
  • 100-level or higher*
  • Achieved a C- or higher for the course
  • Transfer students may transfer up to 45 credit hours toward the Associate Degree or 90 hours toward the Bachelor’s degree. For any degree, at least 50% of a student’s major and minor must be earned at Rochester Christian University. Transfer credit is not applied toward the calculation of students’ Rochester Christian University GPA. Rochester Christian University grants credit for courses completed at regionally accredited postsecondary institutions when course grades are C- (1.7 on a four-point scale) or higher. Applicants should note that standards within individual majors may be higher. Composition A and B are exceptions; to transfer either of these classes, a minimum grade of C is required. Students cannot receive transfer credit for developmental or remedial coursework taken at other institutions.
  • For any degree, at least 50% of a student’s major and minor core must be earned at Rochester Christian University.

Transfer Credit


Find out how coursework completed at Michigan colleges and universities transfer to RCU. Search our transfer equivalencies


Find out how your existing coursework completed at out-of-state colleges and universities transfer to RCU. Contact us to find out more.

What is the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) and how does it work?

Michigan Transfer Agreement History: In 2012, the Michigan legislature included language in the community college appropriations bill that focused on improving the transferability of core college courses by revising the current Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers (MACRAO) agreement and renaming it the Michigan Transfer Agreement –

In order to fulfill the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), students must successfully complete at least 30 credits, with at least a 2.0-grade point average in each course.

These credits can be certified by a Michigan community college or Rochester Christian University, provided the student has completed credit at the institution. The credits should be met according to the following distributions:

  • 1 course in English Composition
  • A second course in English Composition or 1 course in Communications
  • 1 course in Mathematics from one of three pathways: College Algebra, Statistics or Quantitative Reasoning
  • 2 courses in Social Sciences (from two disciplines)
  • 2 courses in Humanities and Fine Arts (from two disciplines excluding studio and performance classes)
  • 2 courses in Natural Sciences including one with laboratory experience (from two disciplines)

In keeping with the Christian liberal arts philosophy of Rochester Christian University, students will be required to complete coursework in the following areas in addition to the MTA:

  • 9 hours of Theological Literacy core; 6 hours if transferring more than 29 hours.
  • ENG 1123 Composition B

Transfer students should verify MTA requirements and course selection with their community college adviser.

The MTA applies only to general education requirements and does not exempt students from meeting requirements of their specific program, major or other graduation requirements at RCU. Students should check the college’s academic catalog to determine if any courses required for their major can be used to satisfy MTA.