Student Life

Community Life + Worship

Community Life + Worship

Community, Life, + Worship (CLW) is the program that houses chapel, intercultural and spiritual life. A variety of co-curricular events, initiatives, activities as well as extracurricular options are also available through CLW as we seek to provide opportunities for holistic formation. These events include but are not limited to chapel, spiritual formation opportunities (SFO), campus ministry programs, service learning, intercultural life events, vocation focused programming, and more. CLW promotes interpersonal formation, intercultural awareness, spiritual formation, and a greater sense of vocation among our students. All Community, Life, + Worship point opportunities can be found in the RCU app and at

Full-time traditional undergraduate students are required to earn 25 CLW points every semester. CLW points can be achieved by attending chapel, SFOs, campus ministry programs, department chapels, service learning, and intercultural life events. Each CLW event is worth 1 point unless noted otherwise.

For each point short of the required 25, there will be a $20 fine assessed. Monies collected from the fine will go into an account for future CLW programming.

Recording attendance and tracking all CLW points will be done through the RCU app as well. 


Modifications and Exemptions

Potential accommodations & modifications may be made for students with unique circumstances. Examples of unique circumstances may be students who are parents of small children, are caregivers for family members, health-related issues, and other barriers that may prevent students from physically attending campus on a regular basis. As such there are three options available for students to apply for depending on their situation: A full exemption or a modification of points, moving from a required twenty-five points to twelve or five depending on their situation.


Exemptions are only granted in extreme circumstances such as medical or familial constraints that would prohibit a student from participating in any CLW opportunities. Students seeking an exemption must fill out the Modification and Exemption form each semester.


Any student seeking a modification must fill out the Modification and Exemption form for each semester they are seeking a modification to their CLW point requirements.

The modification options available to students to apply for include:

  • Tier 1: 12 Point Modification

    • Students who are approved for a tier one modification must earn twelve points over the course of the semester. These points can be earned by attending any CLW opportunities throughout the semester.

    • Student situations that may qualify them for a tier one modification include:

      • Those whose registered class schedule does not overlap with Chapel days

      • Those who are involved in off-site nursing clinicals, are student teaching, or engaged in an internship required by your degree program on Chapel days

  • Tier 2: 5 Point Modification

    • Students who are approved for a tier two modification must earn five points over the course of the semester. These can be earned by attending any CLW opportunities throughout the semester, but are designed to be completed online through a monthly online spiritual formation practice and reflection and a two page reflection essay at the end of the semester.

    • Student situations that may qualify for a tier two modification include:

      • Those whose course work is fully online and do not live on campus

      • Those who are in their final semester of off-site nursing clinicals, student teaching, or a full-time internship required by your degree program on Chapel days

100 CLW Opportunities


Chapel is an opportunity to gather as a community two times a week to learn alongside each other through meaningful programming. Chapel meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM  in the Fletcher Auditorium | Westside Central Chapel. There will be 28-30 chapel dates every semester. Additional chapel opportunities for CLW points  will be regularly scheduled Fridays from 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM. The Friday chapel times will be hosted by academic departments, athletics, and other areas of campus. Students are encouraged to routinely check the chapel and event calendars available through the Rochester Christian University (RCU) app and Center for Student Life social media accounts to see a complete list of weekly scheduled CLW opportunities.

Volunteer/Service Learning Opportunities

Students may participate in pre-approved volunteer opportunities, such as Warriors Serve, which are listed on the Chapel Calendar, the Rochester Christian University App, and

Organizations, Clubs, and Athletic Team Service Learning Submissions

University sponsored organizations, clubs, and athletic teams are encouraged to spend time together by doing volunteer work. In order for any of those volunteer (service learning) opportunities to be a CLW point opportunity they must be submitted and approved through this form at least one week prior to the submitted event. Approved service opportunities are worth 1 CLW point.

Other Point Opportunities

There are a variety of opportunities for students to earn CLW points. In fact, we have 100 opportunities per semester! These events include but are not limited to chapel, spiritual formation opportunities (SFO), campus ministry programs, service learning opportunities, intercultural life events, vocation focused programming, and more. All Community, Life, + Worship point opportunities can be found in the RCU app and at

Chapel Events Calendar