Rochester Christian University

Alumni & Giving

Welcome, Alumni

Once a Warrior, always a Warrior. One important takeaway from your time at Rochester Christian University is the fact you were not just one of many students. You were part of something much bigger. We’re here to help you maintain connections with your classmates and friends as well as the university.

We love where we’ve come from, and we’re thrilled about where we’re going. We hope you stay connected with us on our continuing journey.

Upcoming Alumni Events

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Donate & Support RCU

There are many opportunities available to support RCU!
When you give to Rochester Christian University, you help us continue fulfilling our mission of preparing students of personal and professional success as they serve in God’s world. Get started creating your legacy at Rochester Christian University by learning about the different gift options available to you.

RISE Mentoring

The RISE mentoring program, which stands for Relationship, Inspiration, Support and Engagement, is a program for upperclassmen and RCU alumni to connect and form meaningful mentor-guided relationships to create a stronger Rochester Christian University community. Mentees are paired with a mentor who is established in the mentee’s field of study or desired career path. Mentors serve as positive role models while providing valuable guidance, support and encouragement to students as they navigate through the challenges of transitioning from an academic to professional life.

Alumni Association

Over 10,000 former Warriors are members of the Alumni Association. As a graduate of Rochester Christian University, Rochester College, or Michigan Christian College you automatically become a member of the Alumni Association. Through five key areas-mentoring opportunities, leadership positions, ambassadorships, volunteer work, and fundraising initiatives-our alumni board seeks to collaborate with the university to serve our Alma Mater in the best ways possible.