Rochester Christian University


Katie Stokes

CPA Assistant Professor of Accounting Chair
Accounting and Financial Studies School of Business and Technology

School of Business and Technology
(248) 218-2052


  • Certified Public Accountant
  • M.S. Accounting, Michigan State University
  • B.B.A., Accounting, Michigan State University

Courses Taught

  • Accounting I
  • Accounting II
  • Intermediate I
  • Intermediate II
  • Taxation
  • Governmental and Not for Profit Accounting


Katie Stokes currently leads the accounting and financial planning programs at Rochester Christian University and is proud to have served for ten years as an instructor dedicated to instilling students with technical competency, ethical conduct, and a passion for vocational service using their accounting skills to improve the community around them. She is passionate about preparing students for personal and professional success and believes we are all called to use our professional abilities to improve the lives of others.

Katie teaches a wide range of courses at RU including Principles of Accounting 1 and 2, Intermediate Accounting 1 and 2, Advanced Accounting 1 and 2, Accounting and Information Systems, Taxation, Audit, and Governmental and Not for Profit Accounting as well as several general business courses.

Outside of the classroom Katie serves as a member of the MICPA Educators’ Task Force and leads RU’s volunteer effort with the Accounting Aid Society each year. She also does light consulting work for local businesses as her teaching load allows, which enhances her work in the classroom. Before joining the faculty, Katie worked in both public accounting as an auditor, and in corporate accounting for several years.

Recognition and Presentations

  • Panelist: MICPA Educators’ Conference June 2022, Tips for Adopting the CPA Evolution Model Curriculum
  • Nominated for the 2020 and 2021 MICPA Accounting Teaching Excellence Award
  • Presenter: MICPA Educators’ Conference June 2019, Leveraging Personal Connection to Improve Student Outcomes
  • Accounting Aid Society TAP Champion 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Katie and her husband Marvin (also an accountant) have two children, Sofia and Bryce. She loves gardening, cooking, knitting, running, yoga, and singing.