School of Education
Garth Pleasant Arena
(248) 218-2135
Garth is married to Pat Palmer Pleasant and they have three children, Kim & Randy Speck, Klint & Rachel Pleasant , and John & Erin Pleasant. They are the proud grandparents of Palmer & Lainey Hope Speck, Abbey & Julia Pleasant, and Logan & Hallie Pleasant. Garth and Pat have spent their entire married life in Christian Education. Garth also served as the minister for the Lake Orion Church of Christ from 1980-2009. Besides being grandparents, they enjoy spending time in northern Michigan and have enjoyed cruising. Garth enjoys listening to “Oldies but Goodies” and reading and listening to Randy Harris and Rubel Shelly sermons. Garth loves the Detroit Tigers and Michigan football. What he enjoys most is spending time with his family.
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