School of Education
Alumni Center (RCAC) 208
(248) 218-2345
Cynthia was born 2nd of ten siblings, so she has always been around young children and hopes to always be around young children. She is blessed with four talented and adventurous adult children and now enjoys spending a lot of time sitting on the floor with husband Ken, playing with four precious grandchildren.
Cynthia is a former preschool, kindergarten, and first grade teacher, GSRP preschool director, and preschool owner. Her personal mission is to make the world a better place for as many children as possible, and one way she intends to do that is through serving the Adjunct Instructors and the Early Childhood Education students here at Rochester Christian University.
When Michigan weather permits, Cynthia enjoys running on local trails, gardening, and Plein air painting with oils, acrylics, and pastels. She and Ken love northern Michigan’s beaches, dunes, woods, and small towns.
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