Campus Safety
Campus Safety
Each year Rochester Christian University publishes a Fire Safety Report and RCU’s Security Report in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or Clery Act.
The basic emergency procedures outlined below are designed are to enhance the protection of lives and property through effective use of Rochester Christian University and community resources.
Purpose: The basic emergency procedures outlined in this guide are to enhance the protection of lives and property through the effective use of Rochester Christian University and community resources.
Assumptions: The succession of events in an emergency is not predictable. Hence, published support and operational plans will serve only as a guide and checklist and may require field modification in order to meet the requirements of any emergency.
Definition of crisis: A crisis is defined as anything or any person who causes a serious threat to life, limb and/or property.
Declaration of campus state of emergency: The authority to declare a campus state of emergency rests with the University President or his designee. During the period of any campus emergency, the University President or his designee shall place into immediate effect the appropriate procedures necessary in order to meet the emergency, safeguard person and property, and maintain educational facilities.
University notification system: In the event of an emergency (including weather and safety alerts), Rochester Christian University will utilize a number of communication tools and strategies to communicate with the campus community. Depending upon the nature of the announcement, any or all of the following methods may be used:
- Text message notification – Sign-up by visiting,
- Campus-wide e-mail
- Voice notification via campus desk phone PA system
- Posting on University website and portals
- Posted printed notices in residence halls and in administrative/academic buildings
Information: Clear and concise information shall be communicated by appropriate means between the University President or his designee and emergency officials.
Reporting emergencies: In an emergency, call 9-1-1. After 9-1-1 has been contacted call Campus Security at 248-765-8013
When calling, stay calm and carefully explain the problem and location to the 9-1-1 dispatcher or the Campus Security Officer. Do not hang up until told to do so.
Once the emergency has been resolved, contact The Center for Student Life at Ext. 2041 to fill out a detailed incident report.
Missing Person Procedure: A person may be declared “missing” when his or her whereabouts are unknown and unexplainable for a period of time that is regarded by knowledgeable persons as highly unusual or suspicious in consideration of the subject’s behavior patterns, plans, or routines. The following procedures are to be followed if a missing person complaint is made to Rochester Christian University Security or The Center for Student Life.
- Campus Security will gather all essential information about the person (description, clothes last worn, where the subject might be, who they might be with, vehicle description, photograph, class schedule etc.)
- A quick, but thorough search will be conducted in all campus buildings, grounds, and parking lots.
- The Dean of Students will be promptly notified and is responsible for communicating with the emergency contact and family or relatives of the missing person.
- If the above actions are unsuccessful in locating the person or it is apparent from the beginning that the person is actually missing, (i.e. call from parents, guardians) the investigation will be turned over to the appropriate local law enforcement agency. This will take place as soon as practical. The local police then become the authority in charge and Rochester Christian University Security and The Center for Student Life will assist them in any way necessary.
Evacuation procedures
Building Evacuations:
- All building evacuations will occur when an alarm sounds and/or upon notification by Campus Security.
- When the building evacuation alarm is activated during an emergency, leave by the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same. Do not use the elevator; in emergencies always use the stairway.
- Once outside, proceed to a clear area that is at least 500 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrant areas and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. Know the area assembly points which are:
- South – Front bike path along Avon Road
- East – Baseball/Soccer Field
- North – Lawn North of Ferndale/Hoggatt Residence Hall
- West – Campus Center Parking Lot/bike path along Avon Road
IMPORTANT: After any evacuation, proceed to your designated area assembly point. Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a member of the Administrative Team.
Campus Evacuation:
- Evacuation of all or part of the campus grounds will be announced by the President, his designee or Campus Security through one of the communication media.
- All persons (students, faculty and staff) are to immediately vacate the site in question and relocate to another area as directed.
IMPORTANT: After any evacuation, remain calm and quickly report to your designated assembly point.
Media relations: Only the President or his designee will meet or talk with the media. The President or his designee needs to be informed immediately of existing emergency situations and briefed with basic factual details necessary to accomplish their responsibilities.
Bomb threat:
- If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus do not handle the object! Clear the area and immediately call Campus Security at 248-765-8013. If Campus Security cannot be reached, dial 9-1-1.
- Any person receiving a phone call bomb threat should ask the caller:
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is the bomb located?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Why did you place the bomb?
- Keep talking to the caller as long as possible and record the following:
- Time of call.
- Age and sex of caller.
- Speech pattern, accent, possible nationality.
- Emotional state of caller.
- Background noise.
- Immediately notify Campus Security at 248-765-8013 to report the incident.
- Campus Security, in conjunction with authorized personnel, will conduct a detailed bomb search. Employees are requested to make a cursory inspection of their area for suspicious objects and to report the location to Campus Security. Do not touch the object! Do not open drawers, cabinets, or turn lights on or off.
- If an emergency exists, activate the building fire alarm. Caution: The building fire alarm only sounds in the building where activated. You must report the incident by phone to Campus Security at 248-765-8013.
Violent or criminal behavior: Everyone is asked to assist in making the campus a safe place by being alert to suspicious situations and promptly reporting them.
- If you are a victim or witness to a crime, you must promptly notify Campus Security at 248-765-8013 as soon as possible and report the incident, including the following:
- Nature of incident.
- Location of incident.
- Description of person(s) involved.
- Description of property involved.
- If you observe a criminal act or whenever you observe a suspicious person on campus, immediately notify Campus Security and report the incident.
- Assist the officers when they arrive by supplying them with all additional information and asking others to cooperate.
- Once the emergency has been resolved, contact The Center for Student Life at Ext. 2041 to fill out a detailed incident report.
- Know the location of the extinguisher, fire exits and fire alarm systems in your area and know how to use them.
- If a minor fire appears controllable remember the acronym P.A.S.S., pull pin on fire extinguisher, aim the charge of a fire extinguisher toward the base of the flame, squeeze handle and sweep from side to side, then immediately contact the Director of Operations at ext. 2080 and Campus Security at 248-765-8013.
- If an emergency exists, activate the building fire alarm. CAUTION: The building fire alarm sounds only in the building where activated. You must report the fire by phone to Campus Security at 248-765-8013.
Tornado: During a tornado, remain calm and quickly follow the steps outlined below.
- If indoors, seek refuge in a hollow depression or basement. Stay away from glass windows, shelves and heavy equipment.
- If outdoors move quickly away from utility poles and other dangerous structures. CAUTION: Always avoid power or utility lines as they may be energized. Seek refuge in nearest building or secure structure.
- After the tornado is over, evaluate the situation and if emergency help is necessary, call 9-1-1 and Campus Security at 248-765-8013.
- Damaged facilities should be reported to Operations. NOTE: Gas leaks and power failures create special hazards. Please refer to the section on utility failures.
- Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by Campus Security.
Utility failures
- In the event of a major utility failure occurring during regular working hours (8 a.m. through 5 p.m. Monday-Friday), immediately notify Operations at ext. 2080 if phone communication is still available.
- If there is potential danger to building occupants or if the utility failure occurs after hours, weekends, or holidays, notify Campus Security at 248-765-8013.
- If an emergency exists activate the building fire alarm.
Psychological event: A psychological event exists when an individual is threatening harm to himself/herself or to others or is out of touch with reality.
- If a psychological emergency occurs with obvious medical complications:
- Call 9-1-1 and tell them you have a medical and psychological emergency.
- Contact Campus Security at 248-765-8013 and inform them of the situation (Campus Security will contact appropriate personnel.)
- If a psychological event occurs without obvious medical complications:
- Contact Campus Security at 248-765-8013 and Dean of Students Ext. 2041 and say that you have a psychological event.
- Try to keep the person calm or within your vision until assistance arrives.
- Maintain your own personal safety if you feel the situation is dangerous.
- Ask the individual if they are going to harm themselves or someone else.
Lockdown Procedure: If you hear, “LOCKDOWN” over the intercom, via “RCU Alert” text message, or an administrator announces the lockdown in person. Please remember: The professor/instructor is in charge during a lockdown incident and students should look and follow the directions of their professor or instructor:
- Everyone is to stay where they are.
- Classroom professors are to:
- Quickly glance outside the room to direct any students or staff members in the hall into your room immediately.
- Lock and or barricade your door. (Do NOT lock or barricade exterior doors.)
- Lower or close any blinds.
- Place students against the wall, so that the intruder cannot see them looking in the door. Look for the ‘Safe Corner’.
- Turn out lights and computer monitors.
- Keep students quiet and silence cell phones.
- Call or text 9-1-1 if you have information about the incident.
- Immediately direct all students, staff, and visitors into the nearest classroom or secured space. Clear hallways, restrooms, and other rooms that cannot be secured.
- Stay in safe areas until directed by law enforcement officers or an administrator to move or evacuate. Never open doors during a lockdown, even in the event of a fire alarm. For further directives, law enforcement officers and administrators will have keys to open the doors or announcements will be made over the intercom and via text message.
- An administrator will signal all personnel if the lockdown has been lifted.
- If an evacuation occurs, all persons/classrooms will be directed by a law enforcement officer or administrator to a safe location. Once evacuated from the building, teachers should take roll to account for all students present in class.
Emergency Equipment Location
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED), located in Muirhead Hallway
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED), located in GYM Hallway
- First Aid Kit with mouth shield, pocket mask, tourniquets – located Campus Center 2nd Floor Room 207
- First Aid Kit with mouth shield, pocket mask, tourniquets, spine board – located in Security Office in Barbier 1st Floor Room #106.