
School of Theology & Ministry

In the context of post-Christendom, the shape of ministry in congregations and other communities of faith is evolving. Communities of faith and those who lead them are doing more and more of what they know how to do, better than they have ever done it before, with largely diminishing impact. What might God be doing in and through these realities? How might communities of faith and their leaders partner with God in the work of new creation? The School of Theology and Ministry at RCU will prepare you to engage these rapidly evolving realities by cultivating postures and practices that foster adaptive leadership and a God-centered identity. As a student in the STM (whether pursuing a Certificate, a Bachelor’s degree, or a Master’s degree) you will benefit from courses in ministry, theology, church history, spiritual formation, and biblical interpretation that focus on embodied practices, cohort learning, and experiential learning.