
Secondary Education, BS

Spring 2025
Classes Start

Jan 13

Session B
Classes Start

Mar 2

Program Overview

Would you like to mold young minds? The Teacher Education Program at RCU will prepare you to teach and inspire students in diverse and challenging schools and global communities, as well as provide Christian outreach. Choose from several study programs, including English, Integrated Science, Learning Disabilities, and Social Studies.

degree requirements

As a graduate of the Secondary Education program you will: gain a rich liberal arts education, acquire specialized knowledge in academic content areas, and complete a professional studies program. Having developed Christian values and high ethical standards, you will become a teacher with integrity—and you will also have the heart to serve and inspire students and their communities.

The Program Learning Outcomes for the Rochester Christian University Educator Preparation Program (RCU-EPP) are based on the 2022 Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) standards. The following learning outcomes are linked to evidence throughout this program. After completing program requirements, the RCU-EPP graduates will be able to:


Apply knowledge of learner development and learning differences to create safe and supportive learning environments in order to work effectively with diverse P-12 students and their families.


Demonstrate knowledge of central concepts of their content areas and apply the content to develop equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P-12 students.


Assess, plan for instruction, and utilize a variety of instructional strategies to provide equitable and inclusive learning environments for diverse P-12 students. Graduates will be able to model and apply the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards to engage and improve learning for all students.


Engage in professional learning, act ethically, take responsibility for student learning, and collaborate with others to work effectively with diverse P-12 students and their families.

Admission to the Educator Preparation Program

All students seeking a Michigan standard teaching certificate must apply for and be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program. The following must be documented at the time of application for admission:

Completion of 30 hours with no grade below a “C” in the major, minor, and professional studies.
Satisfactory completion of EDU 3213 Educational Psychology with a minimum grade of C.

Criteria for admission to the Educator Preparation Program include the following:
Completion of an Application for Admission to Educator Preparation Program.
Submission of a completed Criminal Record Disclosure.
Submission of two positive evaluations to be completed by two RCU faculty members the candidate has had as an instructor.
Completion of an interview with the Education Admission Committee.
Successful field placement evaluations from EDU 3213 Educational Psychology.
Acceptable or accomplished scores on Attributes and Dispositions Evaluations.
Compliance with all standards expected of the Rochester Christian University campus community, as outlined in the Student Handbook and the University Catalog.

The application package is reviewed by the Admission Subcommittee. Candidates are notified of admission status through a letter from the director of the School of Education.

The application package deadline for the fall semester is November 1. The spring semester deadline is April 1. Admission is valid for six years; however, changes mandated by the Michigan Department of Education may impose additional requirements during that time period.
Approval for Student Teaching

Student teaching is often considered the most exciting and demanding aspect of the Educator Preparation Program. It is the final clinical experience; therefore, it is the doorway into the teaching profession. Prospective employers place a premium on the successful completion of student teaching.

The clinical placement sites for student teaching are established in the Educational Foundations and Assessment course. With the approval of the mentor teacher and coordinator for student teaching, placement for Educational Foundations and Assessment will also be the student teaching placement.

The following requirements must be met prior to beginning the student teaching experience:
Submission of an Application for Student Teaching.
Submission of a completed Criminal Record Disclosure.
Evidence of academic competency by a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 overall, in professional studies, and in the major and the minor, with no grade lower than a “C.”
Demonstration of standards expected of the Rochester Christian University campus community, as outlined in the Student Handbook and the University Catalog.
Completion of all courses in professional studies (with the exception of EDU 4721/4821 Seminar), general education, the major, and the minor.
Successful completion of all clinical experiences. The 60-hour clinical experience corresponding to Educational Foundations and Assessment weighs heavily.
Taking applicable subject area test(s) of the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC).
Applicants for student teaching are reviewed and approved by the Teacher Advisory Council.

Total Credit Hours: 121-131

  • General Education Core: 32-36 hours
  • Content Area Major: 33-57 hours
  • Professional Studies Core: 32 hours
  • Content Area Minor: 24-27 hours

Program Statistics

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Graduates hired within 6 months

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Jobs filled by Rochester grads

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Career Opportunities

Types of Jobs

Secondary Education Teacher in the following subjects:

  • English
  • Integrated Science
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Social Studies




Avg. Salaries post graduation

(Courtesy of 

Market Trends

Median Pay: $47,487 – $69,234 (according to
Projected Growth (2021-2031): 4-7%
Projected job openings (2021-2031): 77,900

(Courtesy of O*Net Online) 

student experience


  • Internships
  • Internships
  • Internships
  • Internships


  • Club
  • Club
  • Club
  • Club


  • Activity
  • Activity
  • Activity
  • Activity

alumni profile

In my time at RCU, I learned what it means to be an educator with Christian values, integrity and a heart for service. I had the opportunity to teach alongside a wide variety of educators, participate in co-curricular activities, and improve my teaching abilities in multiple remarkable school districts. Rochester Christian University fostered my abilities. I entered the field of education feeling confident, dedicated and motivated to teach students with varying needs to acquire academic growth, embrace diversity and exhibit respect.


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