History & Legacy
In 1954, members of Churches of Christ formed a Board of Trustees to establish an educational institution in the North Central region of the United States. In the initial college catalog, the institution’s leaders affirmed their dedication “to the task of leading students toward higher academic achievement.” The founders also stated their belief “that the development of Christian ideals in the life of an individual is highly important.” Leaders of Rochester Christian University remain firmly committed to those ideals.
The college opened in 1959 as North Central Christian College and became Michigan Christian Junior College in 1961. The board dropped “Junior” from the institution’s name in 1978 as the college prepared for the addition of its first bachelor’s degree program. The name was changed from Michigan Christian College to Rochester College in 1997. That change signaled a broadening of the college’s vision as a liberal arts Christian college. The institution became Rochester University in 2019, and Rochester Christian University in 2024.
The values-based and values-driven curriculum of the university provides a great educational experience in today’s culture. Men and women educated at Rochester Christian University embrace challenge, apply problem-solving skills, serve their communities and provide leadership for challenges yet to come.
Institutional Archive
Rochester Christian University maintains an archive of institutional publications, photographs and artifacts. In addition to the actual collection housed on campus, an online collection includes selected items for public use and viewing. The online site features over 800 publications and photos dating back to the 1950s.
Rochester Christian University is built upon a firm foundation laid by hundreds of individuals over the past six decades. Certain events stand out as historical milestones in the university’s progress.
- Board formed to establish a Christian school in the North Central region
- Board organizes as the North Central Christian College Foundation
- Search process for a president initiated by the board
- Maxon estate in Rochester selected as a campus site
- First of several open houses conducted on the newly acquired property
- Series of rallies for teenagers conducted on the future campus
- Otis Gatewood named president of the college at the first lectureship
- Lucien Palmer named dean at a rally in Detroit’s new Ford Auditorium
- Ground broken for first new facility, the Multi-Purpose Building
- Rally at State Fair Coliseum with Pat Boone attracts over 8,500 guests
- Associates formed to raise funds for the college
- North Central Christian College welcomes first students
- First addition to greenhouse completed for science classroom
- Palmer Hall completed
- Institutional name changed to Michigan Christian Junior College
- Second addition to Science Building completed for classroom space
- Barbier Hall completed
- Men’s Club organized to raise funds for the college
- Cafetorium completed for use as a cafeteria and auditorium
- Third addition to Science Building completed for a biology laboratory
- First Homecoming held in conjunction with the Valentine Banquet
- Gymnasium completed
- State accreditation achieved
- Gold Room completed
- Lucien Palmer named second president of the college
- Alumni Association formed
- Gierok farm purchased to provide 54 acres for future growth of the college
- Men’s track added to intercollegiate sports program
- Muirhead Center completed for student center, library, and classrooms
- Addition to Multi-Purpose Building completed for the bookstore
- Candidate status achieved with the North Central Association
- First conference title won by men’s basketball team
- Men’s baseball added to intercollegiate sports program
- Alma Gatewood Residence Hall completed
- Don Gardner named third president of the college
- Partnership Dinner organized to meet annual payments on Gatewood Hall
- Autumn formed to assist with student recruitment efforts
- College accredited by the North Central Association
- Over 300 students enrolled for the first time in college history
- Men’s cross country added to intercollegiate sports program
- Barbier Hall updated and Palmer Hall totally renovated with suites
- Women’s basketball added to intercollegiate sports program
- Millionth dollar donated to the college by the Associates
- Celebration in Song introduced as an annual showcase of student talent
- Third year of coursework added to the Bible program
- Associate in Applied Science introduced for technical degree options
- Women’s cross country added to intercollegiate sports program
- Westside Central Chapel and original Utley Student Center completed
- Walt Gilfilen named fourth president of the college
- Bachelor of Religious Education degree approved by state
- Institutional name officially changed to Michigan Christian College
- Lobby, restrooms, and locker rooms added to gymnasium
- New campus master plan unveiled
- Milton Fletcher named fifth president of the college
- Women’s softball added to intercollegiate sports program
- Bachelor of Religious Education approved by North Central Association
- Women’s volleyball added to intercollegiate sports program
- Autumn restructured to perform contemporary Christian music
- Wang VS-80 computer system purchased for campus-wide use
- Gatehouse renovated for use as the Homemaking House
- Computer and Office Systems labs opened in Campus Center
- Silver Anniversary celebration launched during the fall semester
- Business programs added at the associate degree level
- Company formed to assist student recruitment efforts
- City charter approved and college’s hometown becomes Rochester Hills
- Women’s track added to intercollegiate sports program
- Third year of course work added to the business program
- Men’s soccer added to intercollegiate sports program
- Second millionth dollar donated to the college by the Associates
- First national championship captured by the men’s basketball team
- First online database added to resources available in the Muirhead Library
- Counseling major added to Bachelor of Religious Education program
- First national title earned by the men’s cross country team
- Preschool opened by the college in new church facility next to campus
- Second national title earned by men’s cross country team
- Ken Johnson named sixth president of the college
- Music Center renovated by alumni volunteers
- Bachelor of Business Administration degree approved by NCA
- Third millionth dollar raised by the Associates
- Warrior Cafe opened in lower level of former Utley Student Center
- Second national title captured by men’s basketball team
- Campus connected to the Internet
- Bachelor of Science degree approved by the state and NCA
- First national title earned by men’s soccer team
- Institutional name changed to Rochester College
- Weekend College introduced for working adults
- Ferndale Hall, Hoggatt Hall, and Dearborn Commons completed
- College web site launched
- First national title earned by women’s volleyball team
- Satellite campus established at the Macomb University Center
- Over 500 students enrolled for the first time
- Second national title earned by women’s volleyball team
- Barbier Hall renovated and equipped with modular furniture
- Satellite campus established at the Mott University Center
- Isom Atrium and Associates Plaza completed
- GEO international studies program launched with a study tour in Scotland
- Bachelor of Arts degree approved by state and North Central Association
- Ham Library completed
- Women’s soccer added to intercollegiate sports program
- Bookstore moved to new location in Utley Student Center
- Satellite campus established at Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts
- Michael Westerfield named interim (later elected) president of the college
- Over 1,000 students enrolled for the first time
- Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) opened
- Former library building renovated and rededicated as Muirhead Center
- Third national championship captured by men’s basketball team
- Richardson Center completed
- Fourth national championship captured by men’s basketball team
- Planned unit development agreement signed with the city of Rochester Hills
- Master of Religious Education approved by North Central Association
- College authorized by state to recommend teachers for certification
- Second national title earned by men’s soccer team
- Men’s and women’s golf added to intercollegiate sports program
- Rubel Shelly named interim (later elected) president of the college
- 50th Anniversary celebration launched during the fall semester
- Integrated Learning Program introduced
- Portion of Gallaher Center restored for Campus Store
- College accepted into the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA)
- National championship captured by women’s softball team
- Nursing program approved by Michigan Board of Nursing
- Kibo Corner opened in Utley-McCauley Student Center
- College of Nursing accredited by Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
- Fifth national championship captured by men’s basketball team
- Fourth millionth dollar raised by the Associates
- John Tyson named president of the college
- Men’s ACHA hockey added to sports program
- Master plan developed for Lake Norcentra Park
- Men’s and women’s bowling added to intercollegiate sports program
- First online degree program introduced
- Center for Social Entrepreneurship launched
- Fletcher Center renovated
- College awarded Director’s Cup as USCAA sports program of year
- Brian Stogner named interim (later elected) president of the college
- Alumni Chorus formed
- College accepted in Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference of NAIA
- Garth Pleasant Arena completed
- Warrior Center renovated for recreation center
- Fountains, mural, new lighting, and signage added in Lake Norcentra Park
- National championships captured by men’s and women’s basketball teams
- Men’s wrestling added to intercollegiate sports program
- Women’s lacrosse added to intercollegiate sports program
- Deck and gazebos constructed in Lake Norcentra Park
- Campus landscaping improved and Gallaher Center patio restored
- Campus barn restored for maintenance department
- Slater Montgomery Family Chapel completed in Lake Norcentra Park
- Original gymnasium renovated
- Institutional name changed to Rochester University
- Online institutional archive launched
- 7.9 acres on northeast corner of campus sold to Pulte Homes
- RISE mentoring program introduced
- Clinton River rerouted to control erosion behind Palmer Hall
- Classrooms added inside Ham Library
- Technology upgrade completed in all classrooms
- Adjoining acreage and building purchased from Rochester Church of Christ
- Education program nationally accredited by CAEP
- School of Business and School of Education relocated in Alumni Center
- Van Duyn Financial Planning Program established
- Institutional name changed to Rochester Christian University